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NDIS Provider Registration and Process | EnableUs Experts

How You’ll Become a Registered NDIS Provider

Our goal is to simplify the NDIS Registration process for your convenience, eliminating any uncertainties that might arise along the way. By following our NDIS Expert guidance, you will successfully complete the journey and achieve the esteemed status of a registered NDIS provider.

Book Your Free Consultation Today

Become an NDIS Provider today! Fill in the details and our NDIS expert will reach out to you for your free consultation.

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Navigating the Roadmap to NDIS Provider Registration

If you’re in Australia’s disability industry, being registered with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission is a must. However, the NDIS registration process might seem long, complex, and unfamiliar. You need expert guidance to become an NDIS provider. Here’s how we help you in becoming an NDIS provider.


Start with a Consultation

Submit your details for your complimentary consultation with EnableUs to determine your eligibility and service offering.

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Receive Your Proposal

Our NDIS expert team will send you a comprehensive proposal tailored to your business and needs.


We’ll Get to Know You

Once you’ve engaged our services, our NDIS expert team will begin by hosting a formal consultation where we scope out every detail of your registration. Including which NDIS registration groups we will apply for, worker requirements, insurances needed and specific details which are relevant to your business.


We’ll Get to Work

EnableUs will put together all your documents. These are customised and tailored to your business, service offering and key personnel and are vital to the NDIS registration process.


We’ll Enable You with Your Documentation

We’ll host another consultation with you to educate you on the documents. In this consultation, our NDIS expert will also set up your PRODA account, and provide tailored guidance on how your audit will be undertaken.


Online Application & Self-Assessment Answers

EnableUs will complete your online application and self assessment answers. The NDIS will then provide us with a scope of audit which we can use to begin your audit.


Auditing Referral

We will refer you to our external auditing partner and ensure you are happy with their service offering and proposal.


The Audit

Complete the audit! The team of expert NDIS consultants from EnableUS will be with you throughout the entire audit to ensure that if they request any changes, we can make them quickly on your behalf.


Becoming Officially Registered

Receive the audit outcome which states you are being recommended for NDIS provider registration. Woohoo, you have now become an NDIS provider!


You’re on Your Way

Begin working with NDIS participants as a registered NDIS provider!

Your journey to become an NDIS registered provider starts here

It’s a must that if you work in the disability industry in Australia, that you or your business is registered through the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. Though, that process can appear lengthy, complicated, and foreign. Here’s how we’ll help you become registered.

The Essence of NDIS Registration:

The NDIS Registration Process is not merely a procedural step but a testament to the commitment and readiness of an organisation or individual to serve the NDIS community. By completing the NDIS registration form and navigating the intricacies of the NDIS provider registration process, businesses signal their dedication to upholding the highest standards of service. Registering for NDIS is a clear indication of an entity’s pledge to be a beacon of support and quality in Australia’s disability sector.

A Deeper Dive into NDIS Provider Registration:

Becoming an NDIS Provider is a significant milestone, marking an entity’s entry into a network of dedicated professionals and organisations. The NDIS provider registration process is designed to ensure that every service provider aligns with the core values and standards set by the NDIS. This rigorous process underscores the importance of each step, from filling out the NDIS registration form to the final audit. It’s a journey that transforms businesses, preparing them for the responsibilities of being an NDIS provider.

Your Next Steps in the NDIS Journey:

As you contemplate your future in the NDIS landscape, consider the value of NDIS business registration. It’s more than just a formality; it’s a pathway to becoming an integral part of a community that changes lives. When you register as an NDIS provider, you’re not only expanding your business horizons but also joining a mission to provide unparalleled support to those in need. With each step in the NDIS registration process, you’re moving closer to making a lasting impact in the lives of countless individuals.

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Become an NDIS registered provider

Complete the below enquiry form and our team will be in touch in 1 business day to discuss your NDIS provider registration.

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The Essential Role of NDIS Code of Conduct Training in Ensuring Top-Quality Standards

In our ever-connected digital world, looking out for our most vulnerable becomes super important. The NDIS Code of Conduct? Think of it as our gold standard in making sure everyone gets top-notch care. So, let’s explore the ins and outs of this code, understand the big deal about any slip-ups, and see how training (with a little help from EnableUs) makes all the difference. Dive in, and let’s unravel this together!

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Understanding the New NDIS Screening Process: A Step Forward

Understanding the New NDIS Screening Process: A Step Forward

Unravel the journey of the NDIS screening process, from its humble beginnings rooted in community values to the cutting-edge strategies of today. Discover the transformative measures taken to ensure the utmost safety for our vulnerable, and understand the robust procedures that now stand as pillars of protection. Let’s journey together through the intricacies and innovations of the NDIS screening Process.

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Understanding the NDIS Funding: Common Mistakes by Providers

Understanding the NDIS Funding: Common Mistakes by Providers

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has been a beacon of change for countless Australians, offering customised support to elevate their quality of life. For organisations traversing this vast landscape, skirting typical pitfalls is of the essence. Let’s delve deeper into these challenges and discover means to circumnavigate them effectively. Here are 10 common mistakes providers make when it comes to funding.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The NDIS registration process may seem complicated but our team is here to put you at ease. We’ve answered some of the questions we hear most frequently. If you have a specific question, chat to our team here.

EnableUs is an independent consultant who assists individuals and businesses in becoming registered with the NDIS. Our role is to ensure that your business is able to pass the NDIS audit. As such, we will create custom and tailored documents for you based on your business, service offering, key personnel, and other factors that influence your registration.

Once completed, we will submit your application and connect you with our NDIS auditing partners to complete the required audit. Once approved by the auditor, we will help you connect with NDIS participants.

Depending on the service offerings you are looking at providing, the process can take as little as 3 months to complete. We can have your documents complete in 5 days*.
There are options for working in the NDIS in an unregistered capacity. However, these options carry very high risks. Bill Shorten even said publicly that he will be working to remove the option for businesses to work unregistered.
Yes! EnableUs provides flexible payment options. We want to see you get registered and will work with you to ensure that we can tailor a payment plan that suits your needs.
The NDIS has eligibility criteria that are dependent on the types of services you are looking at providing. Get in touch with us so we can assess your eligibility.
Absolutely! We have trusted partners in all areas of business. We can refer you to our partners for accounting services, website development, insurance, business establishment, and many more.
The team at EnableUs likes working one on one with our clients. Rather than providing general information in a webinar with hundreds of other businesses, we book personal consultations with you to discuss your needs and tailor our advice directly to your business.
The audit fee will depend on the services you are applying for. We have a partnership with an NDIS approved auditor and can ensure they will provide you with the best possible pricing.
Of course we will! Our team is dedicated to seeing your business succeed. As such, we will work hard to connect you with participants through the internal NDIS channels, such as the NDIS portal and local area coordinators.
The NDIS does like to see that the key personnel applying for registration are going to be in Australia for the long term. If you are on a visa, get in touch so we can ensure you are eligible for registration.
The NDIS has over 36 registration groups, which can be loosely grouped into 3 modules – verification (low risk), core (medium risk), and specialist (high risk).

Our pricing depends on your service offering and the number of key personnel. Enquire now for a personalised quote.

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