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NDIS Price Guide 2023 Explained | NDIS Pricing Arrangements

Navigating NDIS Pricing

Under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), a set of guidelines exists to facilitate a smoother journey for both providers and participants. Among these guidelines, the NDIS Pricing Arrangement and Price Limits, commonly known as the Price Guide, plays a pivotal role in defining the boundaries of pricing for specific services and the rules surrounding claims. In this article, we will provide valuable insights for service providers, helping them make sense of the Price Guide and its implications.

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Home » NDIS Price Guide » Navigating NDIS Pricing

Table of Contents

Understanding the NDIS Pricing Arrangement

The Price Guide, issued by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), serves as a comprehensive document outlining pricing conditions and regulations applicable to both service providers and participants. It’s essential to clarify that your business is not obliged to charge the exact amounts specified in the Price Guide. Instead, it sets the upper limits for pricing. The NDIS places great emphasis on preserving participants’ freedom to choose, control, and negotiate lower service costs. Moreover, the Price Guide outlines the guidelines for claiming specific items, including short notice cancellation fees for certain supports or reimbursement of travel costs. Typically, the NDIA updates the Price Guide at the beginning of each financial year, although amendments may be released during the year.

Who Needs to Follow the Price Guide?

Providers registered with the NDIA are obligated to adhere to the Price Guide. However, unregistered providers delivering services to plan-managed clients should also align their invoicing with the Price Guide. In the case of unregistered providers exclusively serving self-managed clients, they are not bound by the price limits prescribed in the Price Guide. Nonetheless, it remains a valuable reference. It’s important to note that even unregistered providers must comply with the NDIS Code of Conduct.

Other Relevant Pricing Documents

While the Price Guide is the primary reference for pricing, several other guides and documents are pertinent:

  • The NDIS Support Catalogue
  • Any addenda to the Price Guide
  • The NDIS Pricing Arrangements for Specialist Disability Accommodation
  • The NDIS Assistive Technology, Home Modifications and Consumables Code Guide

Pricing Considerations

Charging Self-Funded vs. NDIS Participants: Providers typically cannot charge NDIS participants more simply due to their participation in the scheme. Charging higher prices for NDIS participants compared to self-funded participants may be acceptable, but it must be justified by valid reasons, such as additional administration costs.

Charging Different Prices Depending on Location:
Price limits in the Price Guide may vary according to the participant’s location. Providers might be able to charge higher rates for participants in very remote areas. Additionally, prices may fluctuate for some services based on the day and time of delivery.

Charging in Advance for Services:
The NDIS allows prepayments for services only in specific situations, such as certain home modifications and assistive technology supports. If your service requires a significant upfront payment, you can contact the NDIA to request approval for invoicing the participant in advance.

Charging an Exit Fee:
It’s important to note that providers cannot charge an exit fee if a client wishes to cancel their services. The NDIS places a strong emphasis on participants having the freedom to change providers without incurring financial penalties. However, in some circumstances, you may be able to charge cancellation fees for pre-booked shifts, provided you meet the conditions outlined in the Price Guide.

Consequences for Non-Compliance

Failure to align your services or invoices with the Price Guide can result in non-payment. Plan managers working with plan-managed clients have the authority to reject invoices that do not comply with the Price Guide. They can refuse to pay for non-compliant services or request you to issue a compliant invoice. Moreover, participants or other providers may report non-compliance to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.

The Importance of a Service Agreement

To ensure compliance with the Price Guide and Australian Consumer Law when providing goods and services, we strongly recommend documenting the provider-participant relationship through a client service agreement.

Key Takeaways

Service providers should thoroughly acquaint themselves with the pricing limits and claim conditions specified in the Price Guide. Registered providers must strictly adhere to its guidelines. It’s crucial for providers not to misrepresent that the NDIS sets the service pricing at the maximum amount. Compliance with these regulations fosters a transparent and supportive NDIS ecosystem for both providers and participants.


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